重新审视您亚马逊卖家中心的通知,到Performance > Performance Notifications. 他们会透过电邮给您通知,这可以让你了解被关联是因为绩效问题丶侵权还是其他问题。
到亚马逊卖家後台,重新审视你的 Account Health,找出那些没有达到亚马逊标准的项目,评估你的销售状况丶库存商品,是否违反亚马逊的任何政策。就算你已经解决掉之前违反规定的一些状况,并不代表亚马逊那时有一次抓出你所有的违规,他们不会给你违规的细节,而是期待你自己了解所有规则并主动地在他们审合前就预防所有的违规状况。
Order defect rate: < 1%
Pre-fulfillment cancel rate: < 2.5%
Late shipment rate: < 4%
- a. 在同个站点设立第二个亚马逊帐号丶同时拥有两个相同的listing。(关联)
- b. 操作丶维持多个帐号。
- c. 违反亚马逊的价格条款。
- d. 直接向你的客户推销也是违反亚马逊政策的, 产品内容或是种类违反了亚马逊政策,但健康产品和成人用品即有可能有这样的违规。
- 详细的了解问题的根源。如果关连是多个警告之後的结果,记得要明确的说明最新的警告,并让他们了解你之前的违规都已在警告之後快速处理掉(且检查过,不让他们再次发生)。
- 你用什麽方式来解决此导致关连的问题。
- 之後会以什麽方式来避免此问题再次发生。
- 越明确越好。空泛的讯息例如"I will be more careful"可能会显示出你并没有真正了解问题或是采取解决措施。
I’ve identified two reasons for this situation:
1) Inaccurate Inventory. If I don’t know how much of an item I have, it is impossible to tell Amazon how much I have.
2) No synchronizing of inventory levels between my systems and Amazon.
- 尽可能量化。不要使用“many,” “a few,” ”several,” “occasionally,” 等等,使用数字和时间丶日期。
Actions taken to fix this issue:
1) we will complete the investigation more quickly and proactively(within12 hours)
2) Do a weekly physical Inventory check and update our in-house system.
3) Do a daily update of Amazon from our in-house inventory.
- 引用你触犯的条款来表示你了解问题,并采取适当措施来解决。你甚至可以展现你排除了某部分有问题的产品分类或品牌,或是表示你主动减少了一些也有此问题的商品。
4. 将你的Appeal寄给亚马逊
准备好你的亚马逊改善计划之後,将他和你的恢复销售权要求一起寄到Amazon Seller Performance。点击Performance > Performance Notification screen) 的Appeal的按钮,或是寄电邮到seller-performance@amazon.com。
我们来看看范本 :
Late Shipment Successful Appeal Letter
My account was suspended because of a poor late shipment rate. This is nobody’s fault but my own.
We ship items in 24 hours or less if the item is in stock. The problem is that we have too many out of stock situations.
I’ve identified two reasons for this situation:
1) Inaccurate Inventory. If I don’t know how much of an item I have, it is impossible to tell Amazon how much I have.
2) No synchronizing of inventory levels between my systems and Amazon.
Actions taken to fix this issue:
1) Do a weekly physical Inventory and update our in-house system. As discrepancies are found, not only update the inventory but also figure out what caused the discrepancy and fix it.
2) Do a daily update of Amazon from our in-house inventory.
3) Maintain an Amazon Only reserve that will not be sold thru any other channels. The amount of reserve will be calculated to always have at least enough product on hand to handle Amazon orders between inventory updates.
The longer term fix is to implement an inventory system that updates the Amazon inventory on a real time basis. I have started the search for a system that is correct for my Company.
The above will eliminate all oversold (backorder) situations and resolve our Late Shipment Rate metric. Resolving the late shipment rate will also resolve the late delivery rate.
明确, 量化 !! 取回销售权 !!